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 Prepare for War! (Open to All)

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5 posters
Ardere Kasai
Ardere Kasai

Posts : 710
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Join date : 2012-05-17
Location : Magnolia, Fiore

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Character Name: Ardere Kasai
Magic of character: Poison Dragon Slayer
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PostSubject: Prepare for War! (Open to All)   Prepare for War! (Open to All) Icon_minitimeFri Sep 21, 2012 1:38 pm

Today was a peaceful day in the town. the breeze was blowing and the sun was shining. It was the perfect day to most until the sky began to turn to black. The wind began blowing like a hurricane and lightning struck buildings. The sky began to swirl and many flying figured appeared in the sky, this was something unexpected. The creatures flying in the sky were dragons! These were only about ten to fifteen feet tall but there were around 35 of them. 25 were smaller and 10 of them were slightly larger and appeared more ferocious. The dragons began attaching themselves to buildings while others attacked citizens. People were running and screaming while others began to fight back however they were no match for these dragons.

The dragons roared flames into the sky to show power as the wrecked everything in sight. This was almost like an apocalypse today, who would save these poor people? Who could stop these dragons and save the town? The only answer could be the mages of this town's guild. They would have to rise up and fight these dragons, however little did they know, this was just the beginning. But for now they would have to focus on the matter at hand, the dragons destroying everything they know. Today marked the beginning of war! The mages would have to fight these dragons and figure out who caused this destruction or be destroyed.
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Haru Himura
Haru Himura

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Join date : 2012-09-18
Age : 31
Location : Hosenka Town

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Character Name: Haru Himura
Magic of character: Fire Godslayer
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PostSubject: WAR!!!!   Prepare for War! (Open to All) Icon_minitimeFri Sep 21, 2012 11:33 pm

The day had started off quite peaceful, a calming breeze was blowing and the sun was shining brightly gracing the Town, known as Hosenka with its presence. In essence, it was a perfect day for everyone. Alas, this was what people would refer to as the calm before the storm. The sky was now stained black, the calming breeze had given way to violent winds that were akin to a hurricane, and lightning lashed out assaulting the buildings.

A solitary figure stood on the summit of the Sabertooth guilds roof, the figure was a rather skinny male who looked to be in his late teens at best, he looked to be about 5'6" at the most. His skin was rather light, slightly tanned in its overall pigmentation. The figure had dark scarlet hair, that curved upwards, the black tips giving it the impression of feathers. His eyes being a grayish black in hue. This body had a multitude of scars on it, though one would not notice them from a distance. He has matching scars that wrap around his wrists, matching scars which wrap around his legs just above his knees and around his ankles. Additionally, he has a scar on his left temple which is in the shape of a rounded arch. He wore a long, dark red coat with the black zipper constantly zipped from his neck to just above his navel, this coat had black circular patterns on its sleeves. Alongside, a pair of knee-length black pants. His feet being adorned by a pair of black sneakers, that reach just above his ankles that fold over providing a minor bit of additional protection to his ankles.

The figure watched curiously, as the sky swirled and a multitude of flying creatures forged their presence within the sky above, this unexpected site, causing the male to start jumping excitedly as he clapped in a gleeful manner. The boy turned to his right looking over at what was nothing more than empty space, but to this mentally distraught boy saw two girls standing in this open space. "Hey, Tsubaki-Ane, Minatsuki-Ane what are those thing's!? Can I eat them!?" The boy asked the two hallucinatory beings. What made this already strange scene even stranger was the fact they replied.

Tsubaki, the visually older of the two hallucinatory beings was dressed in a knee-length dark red dress, which bore the same same black circular patterns as the solitary males clothing. Although the ones on her dress had a different location; the larger circle wrapping around each of her supple breasts, with the second filled in circle being located in the center of each breast, resting where her nipples would be located. She had long ankle-length black hair that had its bangs sprawled over her forehead. This girl, would only smile softly at the boy, she did not speak until he seemed to have calmed down a little bit, "Those, well, I guess those are what people call Dragons..." She gave a long pause as if she were about to continue to speak. Alas, she did no such thing and simply fell silent once more.

Minatsuki, the younger of the two hallucinatory beings was dressed in a knee-length dress which matched the older girls dress, with the sole exception being the reversal of the color scheme. She had short red hair, her hair had the same black tips as the boys hair. Unlike the older girl, her body was adorned with scars, which nearly matched those of the boy to whom she was an elder sister. This girl, grinned mischiviously at the boy, she seemed to watch the other girl speak with a lack of interest. Once the other girl had finished speaking she took her turn in stride. "Knock yourself out Haru-chan, just remember to cook them right or you'll get sick, got it?" She seemed more like she was giving an order than gentle encouragement.

The male clapped gleefully after hearing the encouragements of his elder sisters'. The male smiled cheerfully as crouched down, springing his body back upwards, he would be sent sailing backwards into a back-flip. The male planted the palms of his hands upon the downward slope of the roof for a few second, after which he followed the previous back-flip with yet another, the second back-flip leading into a third one. This third back-flip sending him into a free fall off the roof, the falling teen seemed to shift himself mid-way through his fall, grabbing hold of a long flag pole, from here he would fling hismelf over to a lower flag pole, and from there he would have flung himself to an awning. The males feet tapepd the awning lightly only for a few seconds, after which he would have gone straight into another free fall. This time he simply dropped onto the flag pole which was approximately eight feet above the ground, from here he would simply spring off of the flag pole, his feet lightly tapping against the front outer wall of the guild, as he seemed to effortlessly walk down the wall. The male passed for a few seconds proceeding his impact with the dingy gaia below his feet.

After these few seconds, he would pivot on the soles of his shoes and dash into the guild. "YOU GUYS LET'S HAVE DRAGON FOR DINNER!!!!" He yelled happily, his shouting quickly flooding the entire guild, he didn't wait to see the reactiosn of his self-proclaimed family. Instead, be pivoted back towards the guilds threshold and took off running at full speed. When the male returned outside, the first thing he saw was the dragons expelling from their mouths. "Hey, Dragon-san FIGHT ME!" The male yelled happily at one a small grouping of the smaller dragons. He seemed to pout childishly when his declaration of war made against the mighty beasts was blatantly ignored. This childish act of disappointment was quickly exchanged for one of blissful joy. The male smiled happily, a few seconds later males fists were engulfed in black flames. "Try this on for size Dragon-san!" The male yelled happily, dashing towards one of the smaller dragons which was wrecking someones house, he would leap into the air, his foot tapped against the wall of the aforementioned building, as a few seconds later the male was sailing through the air above said dragon. The male would twist himself while falling, as he descended towards the tip of the dragons muzzle the black flames seem to grow in size. "Flame God's Blazing Fist!" The male proclaimed cheerfully, as he attempted to punch the dragon upon its muzzle, if said attack impacted a large orange runic magic circle would momentarily be made visible before it vanished. If this attack hit its intended target, the dragon would be slammed downward into the build. The dragon would if the attack is a success, receive heavy blunt damage alongside first and second degree burns.



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Ardere Kasai
Ardere Kasai

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Join date : 2012-05-17
Location : Magnolia, Fiore

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Character Name: Ardere Kasai
Magic of character: Poison Dragon Slayer
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PostSubject: Re: Prepare for War! (Open to All)   Prepare for War! (Open to All) Icon_minitimeSat Sep 22, 2012 10:55 am

The sight was horrible today as the hurricane winds began to increase. Lightning struck the buildings causing fires as well as the dragon's breath. They began attacking more and more civilians but then a lone god slayer began to fight back. He punched one of the dragons in the face causing it to slam into a building and struggling to get back up. The other dragons began to notice this as 2 of the smaller ones flew towards the flame god slayer, apparently they could sense his power. Their job was to eliminate any threats like this , they had found their first target of the day. As the two dragons flew towards him their wings and claws lit on fire just like a dragon slayer's attack. This attack was powerful enough to smash through the sides of weaker buildings, if this god slayer planned on defeating the dragons he would have to be quick about it or else.
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Haru Himura
Haru Himura

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Join date : 2012-09-18
Age : 31
Location : Hosenka Town

Character sheet
Character Name: Haru Himura
Magic of character: Fire Godslayer
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PostSubject: WAR!!!!   Prepare for War! (Open to All) Icon_minitimeSat Sep 22, 2012 8:38 pm

The male seemed to slow down in mid-air, watching as the dragon he had just struck slammed into the building. "Hm, I wonder if they'll be mad about that?" He asked himself as his feet touched down upon the soft gaia. He would then turn his attention towards the new threats. "This is gonna take a while. Oh well, I'll just eat more food when I finish with this." He would not wait for them to come to him, instead, he would rush towards them.

Moments before the supposed moment of impact; he would pivot on his left heel, turn towards a building which still seemed in tact for the most part. The male would use the side of this building a spring board of sorts, his feet tapping against the side of the structure for a few quick seconds. After which, the male would be seen soaring through the sky doing what seemed like a twisted back-flip. This would leave him in the air above the closer of the two fire clad creatures. The male would quickly attempt to slam his right fist down upon the beasts skull, he wasn't sure how successful this assualt would prove to be. In the off chance his attack was successful, this dragon would face a fate much like the one before him, with the sole difference being the involvement and destruction of a building.

In such a case, the male would use this dragons skull as a spring board. This potential action would lead to him being flung from the first of the two dragons towards the other. The action that would hopefully proceed the first dragons defeat, would be an attempt to methodically slam his left black flame clad fist down upon the mid-spinal column of the second dragon. However, in the event such actions were repelled by his inability to handle the first of the two dragons, he would indefinitely receive some heavy damage. Though such damage, would not be enough to prevent him from pulling himself back up to his feet. Hosenka Town was his current home, he could not sit back at watch as it was destroyed. After all, Haru was a mage of Sabertooth, he was an "Elite" if he were to be done in so easily, wouldn't he be better off having never existed to begin with?

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Posts : 408
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Join date : 2012-05-29

Character sheet
Character Name: Aila
Magic of character: Requip:The Reaper
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PostSubject: Re: Prepare for War! (Open to All)   Prepare for War! (Open to All) Icon_minitimeSat Sep 22, 2012 8:55 pm

The human was foolish to approach a dragon with so little reverence. The nearest dragon gave it's wings a hard flap lifting him up just high enough for him to fall and crush the man. However the man was illusive, as most mice were, and before the beast knew it the man was gone. The beast's companion gave a confused glance at the man's former position. Soon however he felt the flames and looked to the skies.

The man had appeared above and brought a magically enhanced fist down on his companions skull effectively slamming his head into the earth. The man's attention turned to the second beast however the beast gave his wings a hard thrust effectively launching itself into the sky. the beast lifted it's head to inhale a mighty breath, if the human believed himself a master of fire then it was the job of a dragon to reveal what true fire was. The dragons breath burst towards the man in a mighty roar. All around the impact site buildings were scorched black and buildings were reduced to ash. If the man didn't do something he'd be reduced to mere ashes.

In his vanity he instantly believed the attack to be a success and so he returned to the plan of luring out any mages that may be a threat.
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Posts : 395
Jewel : 2212092
Join date : 2012-05-28

Character sheet
Character Name: Eve Furey
Magic of character: Card Magic
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PostSubject: Re: Prepare for War! (Open to All)   Prepare for War! (Open to All) Icon_minitimeSun Sep 23, 2012 1:20 pm

Eve Furey hadn't been having a good day, to say the least. Her new scythe, Vortex, allowed her to fly when mounted. With the hurricane winds thrashing about, however, Eve was sent spiraling through the air, barely able to hold onto the weapon. "What the hell is going on!" she screeched just before slamming into something solid. The air was knocked out of her lungs, and she took a moment to try and compose herself. This is bizarre! What the --

Cutting her thoughts short, she rubbed her hands on the surface she had hit. Why is this... warm? Blinking, she noticed that Vortex had sliced into the "wall", and she gave a heavy tug to try and free the weapon. It took a few tries, but eventually it pulled free. "Too much effort," Eve panted, leaning upon the scythe. "But wait... Why did it even stick?"

A surge of heat struck her from behind, and Eve used the force to swivel around. Is that... A dragon? Eyes widening, she took a step back and found that the "wall" was no longer there. She looked over her shoulder and found...

Yellow eyes. Glaring at her from above.

"Kya!" Holding her scythe before her, she felt her body shake from fear. "No need to eat me, Mr Dragon! I won't be tasty at all!"

The beast bellowed a deafening roar, and Eve's attitude went from cowardly to fierce. "You picked the wrong mage to mess with." Pulling her hat farther down, she mentally prepared herself. Go.

Charging at the beast, scythe raised, she advanced towards the creature, only to be blown away by a gust of strong wind. Clenching her teeth, she pulled out a card as another small dragon appeared behind the previous one. "Spade beast!" she cried, the card glowing as it took affect. A giant spade fell from the sky and landed before the dragon, looking a little ridiculous since it was smaller than the dragon. A moment later, however, Eve's own energy beast surged forth from the spade with such power that, were it successful, it would knock the first dragon into the second one, and the two dragons would crush the building behind them. The rubble would fall around them, burying the two dragons in rock and wood.

Turning away from the two dragons and returning her card to her holster, Eve saw a man being attacked by more of the deadly creatures. "How many of these damned things are there?!" With a running start, Eve hopped onto her scythe and rode a wind gust towards the man and dragon, the dragon looking as though it was about to spit fire. As Eve came close enough to the dragon, she jumped off of Vortex and slashed its blade in the dragon's direction, as the dragon had just released an inferno from its mouth. Eve hoped the force of her wind attack would be enough to shield herself and the mage beside her from the fire. Let's hope the wind acts like a shield bubble...

Landing with a soft tap, as she had slashed Vortex while in midair, she slid her left foot behind her right and assumed a fighting stance, her scythe in hand. "We best work together unless you want to burn to death."

As Hosenka's battle began, the city began to cry out as its ashes tumbled through the air.


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Haru Himura
Haru Himura

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Join date : 2012-09-18
Age : 31
Location : Hosenka Town

Character sheet
Character Name: Haru Himura
Magic of character: Fire Godslayer
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PostSubject: Re: Prepare for War! (Open to All)   Prepare for War! (Open to All) Icon_minitimeSun Sep 23, 2012 8:21 pm

The male smiled cheerfully, watching as the dragon he had struck slammed into the ground. The dragon would have certainly felt the full force of the mans assault. He have in the moments before the dragons descent into the soft gaia below made use of the momentum, which resulted from his former action to propell himself into the air. Alas, his hopes of quickly defeating the beaten dragons companion were quickly dashed. The males feet softly tapping against the ground as he landed. He could hear what sounded like fighting taking place somewhere off in the distance. Though, the events and action which pretained to the other were none of his concern. At this moment in time, the only concerns the male had was to have some more fun.

The male would have stood, watching as his other prey gave a strong thrust with his wings. This action sending the dragon up into the sky and outside of the males reach, at least for the moment. The male knew eventually the beast would fall to his strength. If the actions made by the other mage fighting off in the distance proved to be effective he would soon have an ally. The male watched as the beast before him lifted it's head and inhaled a fierce breath, he knew what was about to happen. In fact, he welcomed it, he had always wanted to prove that God's were above Dragon's in the regards to their mastery of fire. The male took notice of something up in the sky, he had to check twice, as he thought he might be seeing thing's. Though, he did do so on occasion, that did not matter, this time he wasn't just seeing thing's, there really was someone falling from the sky above. He saw and noted the persons actions from the corner of his eye. But, the actions of the beast before him to precedence over those of the other. The inferno, which had just been spawned by the dragon, would certainly make for a good snack. The male stood unfazed, as he was engulfed by the blaze, this must be something that gave the beast a false sense of ignorance at his seeming accomplishment.

Alas, this was not the case. The male had been done in by such a mundane attack. From within the epicenter of the blaze, there was a sound, the sound of someone inhaling and eating, gulping something down. This sound would continue for another minute of two, after which the fire had for the most part been erased from its own apparent existence. The last supplementation's of the fire being pulled into the males widely opened gullet. How could this be, had this man really just eaten that huge inferno? Of course, the answer at this point must have been rather obvious, the proof being that the male was unharmed what so ever. The would peer to his side, now seeing the person from before standing a few feet away to his side. "Hm, I don't know. If your expecting me to share my food with you, the answer is no. But, if you're asking to join in on the fun, sure knock yourself out. Oh and, if you touch my dinner I'll killl you, okay?" The male said soft yet blunt, his head cocked to the left as his left eye was shut, a gleeful look upon his visage. The males left arm was lifted to about shoulder level, his palm creased slightly but still open. Meanwhile, his right hand was curled with his index finger scratching his cheek. The male quick chased after the dragon he had previously been fighting once his threat had been made. It was not that the male felt any hatred towards the newcomer, he was simply a glutton, he did not see these beasts as being dangerous, no he saw them as food.
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Posts : 408
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Join date : 2012-05-29

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Character Name: Aila
Magic of character: Requip:The Reaper
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PostSubject: Re: Prepare for War! (Open to All)   Prepare for War! (Open to All) Icon_minitimeMon Sep 24, 2012 12:56 pm

It seemed as though another target had appeared. A woman this time was caught in their firestorm. Two larger dragons burst through the clouds in a dive bomb. One flew towards the woman and let loose a mighty gust of wind with its wings sending as and debris flying towards her at high speeds. In the resulting tornado of ash the dragon concealed itself waiting for the woman's demise so that it may have a delicious meal. Should she avoid the initial attack the beast would attempt to burst from the ash cloud and clamp down on her with its jaws.

The second dragon, after seeing it predecessors failure, opted to strike at the boy in a similar manner. Te beast beat its wings fiercely flinging the remains of a nearby building in his direction. The beast then took to the skies. Once he was high enough he maneuvered his tail downward flipping through the air and down unto a dive bomb at the boy with his claws held forward.
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Posts : 395
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Join date : 2012-05-28

Character sheet
Character Name: Eve Furey
Magic of character: Card Magic
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PostSubject: Re: Prepare for War! (Open to All)   Prepare for War! (Open to All) Icon_minitimeMon Sep 24, 2012 8:42 pm

Share my food? What's he going on about? Blinking, Eve almost missed the image of a larger dragon diving down. Almost. Hopping back a step, she gauged the creature's movements. It pulled its wings back and sent a mass of ash and debris her direction, but she wasn't as quick to respond as she would have hoped. A shard of glass sliced her arm as she whipped out one of her magic cards. "Transfer!"

A large, white card poofed into existence beside Eve, the thin, 3-inch side exposed to the dragon's view. Quickly, she hopped inside, returning her card to its holster and appearing through another card in the middle of the dust cloud. Hovering momentarily as gravity began to take over, Eve swiped and slashed through the cloud, pushing debris and dust away to clear her vision and give her room to maneuver. She was in free fall now, but it didn't worry her. Do your thing, Vortex! Sliding the pole beneath her, she came to a gentle stop and hovered, her eyes pinpointing the exact location of the newly-uncovered dragon. "You're mine."

Dashing towards the beast, she flung herself off of her scythe, using her momentum to propel her forwards. She bounded over the dragon, using her scythe to slice the creature's head clean off. If that succeeded, she would continue at a downwards angle and land on top of another, smaller dragon.

"You fellas better not be thinking of heading over to Hargeon!" Eve's clumsiness got the better of her as she almost tumbled off the dragon's back, but she stabbed her scythe into the creature's hide to keep her grip. "Well, while I'm at it..." With a short, yet fierce, tug to her right, she hoped to have fatally wounded the beast by ripping an internal organ.


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Haru Himura
Haru Himura

Posts : 50
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Join date : 2012-09-18
Age : 31
Location : Hosenka Town

Character sheet
Character Name: Haru Himura
Magic of character: Fire Godslayer
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PostSubject: Prelude to War!!!!   Prepare for War! (Open to All) Icon_minitimeMon Sep 24, 2012 9:52 pm

Haru had been partially preoccupied in trying to relocate the dragon which he had just failed to defeat. He didn't like the idea of letting his prey get away which was the reason for this absent minded search of his. Alas, his search would be cut short as he felt a large gust of wind accompanied by the remains of building being hurled in his general different. "Woah. So cool. It's flying towards me!" He exclaimed happily, before clapping hsi hands in a gleeful manner. To anyone watching the male, it was clear as the unmistakeable difference between night and day, that this boy had one or more screws loose inside of his head. The male would smile happily as he ran towards the chunks of building that were flung towards him.

The edge of a building, slammed into the ground a mere two feet in front of him. Small shards of glass and wood splintering off the chunk of building. These shards would only manage to make a multitude of nicks and cuts upon the males clothing, as well as a few minor nicks to his arms and legs. Though he ignored them, as he used the aforementioned debris to catapult himself into the air. The male had done so in way that would hurl him onto a larger destroyed parceal of the building, one that still found itself air-bourne. Haru did find himself annoyed by the fact he was unable to use his Flame God's Blazing Fist for a little while, but there was nothing he could really do to change what had already been done. He would quickly kick off of the second chuck of debris, the force ebhind such action sending the debris sailing down towards the ground where it exploded upon impact, resulting in chunks of glass and wood being sent flying through the air in all directions. He was now within range for his next assault.

Haru seemed to be suspended in the air as the momentum from his former action cpntinued to propel his through the air. He watched as the dragon before him, executed what appeared to be some sort of diving maneuver down towards him. He would waste no time in igniting his hands and forearms in black flames. A large golden orange magic circle, with runes around its inner border and runic symbols surrounding the key rune, which lay within the circles epicenter would appear in front of him. Before this magic circle faded from its metaphysical existence, the male would swipe both of his arms towards the dragon. The black flames coating his hands and forearms exploding forth through the circles epicenter. If this spell proved effective and not just a waste of his precious mana reserves the noble beast would be ensnared within a massive shroud of black flames. The beast would be unable to escape from this shroud, a shroud which would indefinitely be held in place. The initial exposure causing first degree burns. While the prolonged exposure to the prison-like shroud of black flames would cause the secondary stage of burns. The secondary burns being second degree burns. These burns combined would hopefully be just enough to incapacitate the beast. In the case this spell proved to be a failure, the would indefinitely be sent plummeting to the ground below, without a doubt if this scenario unfolded he would have sustained rather heavy injuries. Alas, such injuries would be overlooked, as he had a task to fulfill. The protection of Hosenka Town and Sabertooth was much more important than his own life.

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PostSubject: Re: Prepare for War! (Open to All)   Prepare for War! (Open to All) Icon_minitimeMon Sep 24, 2012 10:02 pm

”Well well well, what is going on.” Christiane-Gael muttered quietly to herself. Kneeling next to Nanine, they hid behind the wall of a spared household, trying to speak even through the horrendous claps of thunder and terrifying roars. ”Nanine, did you see those dragons earlier? The chaos seems to escalate nearby Sabertooth. That is no coincidence. However, there are dragons on the outlying areas as well, do you understand Nanine?” An explanation hand in hand with a rough drawing of the town with Nanine watching earnestly, understanding everything and more, ”Of course Mademoiselle. I shall stay just to your rear to help spot dragons for you whilst you sneak through the town as silently as possible. Therefore, you can thin out the dragons as you approach the mages of Sabertooth. As you are not widely known throughout the world, nor is your guild tattoo easily visible, your actions would you their trust. Is that correct?” A simple nod from Christiane-Gael towards an unusually cheery Nanine.

Before committing fully to their plan, Christiane-Gael tightened the clip holding the tail on her head into its shape, rearranged her mask] to keep it neat before the oncoming chaos, and dusted off her blue-dyed linen gown with no purpose other than to stall for time. She needed this, to breathe in slowly, to allow herself to prepare to fight against dragons. Against the very beings she was taught to be able to kill.

Following their agreed plan to the letter, Nanine stayed twenty of Christiane-Gael's paces behind the woman, while Christiane-Gael covered her approach with walls, pillars, roofs, debris, shade, anything she could find to mask herself from the dragons. Staying close to the ground, on her knees sometimes, she spotted for anything piece that could cause a crunch sound, a snapping noise, anything that could give her away to those lumbering monsters. If she had not come to Hosenka before, she would've thought it a ghost town. To be abandoned so suddenly, to hear yells and screams of hopelessness and tears of agony, all from a little dragon attack. Debris, crushed rooftops, burnt fields of joy and laughter. It was a nice change of pace from what Hosenka usually was.

Coming upon a cobbled road with no dragons below, but quite a few above, Christiane-Gael leaped onto the wall to her right parallel to the road and rolled onto the burned grass below her. The sounds of whimpering reached her ear, as did the tender sniffling of a muffled child, by her mother no less, from the insides of a temple. She had trespassed onto holy grounds. Her insides churned most uncomfortably, a side effect of entering holy ground that did not belong to her. As for the family? She ignored their sounds, their silent pleas, and kept on moving forward. She knows her objectives; she will not risk it for tertiary or less objectives, such as begging families.

Covering ground more quickly thanks to reaching move paved, almost untouched by the flames of the dragons, roads, Christiane-Gael was careless. She had rolled out in front of a dragon that had been patrolling the ground before her. Before she knew it, Nanine had called out, as best she could, in her tiny voice, ”Mademoiselle, more dragons are coming!” A rather large dragon to her front, two smaller ones approaching high from above, and another small one running at her from behind. Forming a magic circle in front of her and sliding her hands across them, three knives of water formed in each available space between her fingers. ”Nanine, go hide somewhere. Wait until you do not hear the sounds of dying dragons to come look for me!” An urgent command Nanine heeded without any hesitation, but plenty of fear as she fled towards the temple once more, joining the family Christiane-Gael had ignored before.

Turning her back to the dragon she saw first, Christiane-Gael shortened her strides as she sprinted towards the dragon approaching her in a charging fury. Dragons are just like every other reptile, they have their weaknesses. Predicting this fact to be true, she would wait until the precise moment when she and the dragon would nearly collide before shifting her body weight backwards whilst keeping her feet in balance and in contact with the ground, sliding just slightly past her position upon shifting her weight under the dragon in order to attempt to cut through its most likely soft underbelly with her water knives. If she is correct, if it works, then her knives will cut through the dragon. Upon success, she would turn her attention to the flying dragons and throw six water knives at them, three for each one, aimed at the pupils of their eyes, their tongue, and the center of their neck. However, if she is wrong, if she unsuccessful, her water knives may break, or the dragon could be too intelligent for that. Who knows.

Used 10 Magic, 90/100 remaining:
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PostSubject: Re: Prepare for War! (Open to All)   Prepare for War! (Open to All) Icon_minitimeTue Sep 25, 2012 7:27 pm

More and more of the ants seemed to pour in as time passed, and more of the cildren were falling to them. The larger dragons decided to launch their assault together. a group of 4 burst through the flaming tornado wall and flew towards the two mages that had murdered their children. A small detachment of smaller dragons flew towards the newest addition to the resistance.

The larger dragons kicked up a tornado around the god slayer and card mage. Both were wary of their strength as well as the cursed scythe of the woman. Had they been of their own will they would play it safe and attack from afar. However, the invisible strings that bound them forced them to attack the mages with their mighty jaws. The first one forward let loose a torrent of flames in the woman's direction. The next attempted to sink its teeth into the god slayers flesh. Two more lie in wait alternating attacks to cover their companions.

One had already fallen prey to the foul woman's cursed magic. To think that some of their own kind would assist the humans, it was disgusting. Two smaller dragons kicked a tornado towards the new girl noting the scent of cat in the air as they did so. It seems as though the girl had delivered a snack as well. One lit it's claws aflame and dived towards the girl dragging it's claws across the ground as it did so. The other circled around and began to search for the source of the cat scent.
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Character Name: Eve Furey
Magic of character: Card Magic
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PostSubject: Re: Prepare for War! (Open to All)   Prepare for War! (Open to All) Icon_minitimeTue Sep 25, 2012 8:28 pm

It was safe to say that Eve had had enough of bricks falling from the sky and fire trying to singe her already messy hair. I swear, these dragons are really starting to--[/i] Before she could finish her thoughts, four dragons swooped down and surrounded both the fire god and herself. She blinked once, then flame was all she could see. Instinct took over as she dropped flat on the ground, pulling out three magic cards as quickly as possible. "Earth Wall!"

A massive wall appeared before her, shielding her from the flames. One. Two. Three. The seconds ticked by, and as soon as the flames dissipated, Eve sprang into action. Hopping onto the earth wall, she crouched and shouted "Diamond Strike! Flash!" Her two spells took affect at the same exact moment - first, a blinding light flashed from Eve's now-glowing card, then with a sweep of Eve's arm, six razor-sharp cards zoomed through the air. Eve hoped they would embed themselves in the dragon, potentially killing it. To be sure it couldn't do her harm, however, she leaped off of her wall and slid under the dragon's belly, attempting to slash its stomach as she slid. (Hopefully the dragon would be temporarily stunned/confused by her Flash spell.)

The danger was far from gone, however, as a dragon was waiting for her with its jaws open in greeting. Catching sight of its massive teeth, Eve's heart skipped a beat. Pulling out another card, she yelled "Trip Up!" A thin, yet strong, metal wire appeared before Eve, being held up by the first dragon's legs. Eve slammed into the wire, and it cut into her skin where it hit. She clenched her teeth and quickly pulled the wire out of her flesh, propelling herself over the wire (now that she had been stopped from sliding into the dragon's mouth) and towards the dragon. With two slashes that formed an "X", she cut the dragon's face with her scythe and hoped to have blinded him by destroying his eyes. "Don't mess with me today," she muttered, maneuvering out from under the first dragon. She hopped onto her scythe, flew to the first dragon's front to grab her Diamond Strike card, and hovered before it and the newly-blinded dragon. Holding another card before her, she whispered "Earth Shake." She threw the card onto the earthen ground below, watching it take affect. The fallen debris and cracked earth cracked and flew up in sharpened shards or massive chunks, and just to be safe that this would injure the two dragons (if they weren't already dead), Eve slid off her scythe and use Vortex to throw two gusts of wind at them. She hoped the force of the wind would cause the two dragons to fall onto the piercing earth, and that plus the pieces that flew up to hit them would be quite painful, Eve imagined.Try to get up after that fall.

As her Earth Shake spell ended, Eve felt herself grow tired. Her vision blurred, and the next thing she knew, she was lying on the ground, her fallen scythe before her. The last image she saw before fainting was ash floating through the dull gray sky.




Last edited by Eve_Furey on Thu Sep 27, 2012 9:09 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Haru Himura
Haru Himura

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Age : 31
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Character Name: Haru Himura
Magic of character: Fire Godslayer
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PostSubject: Closer!   Prepare for War! (Open to All) Icon_minitimeWed Sep 26, 2012 3:57 am

Haru was grateful, his entrapment of the previous foe had been a smashing success. Despite no longer hearing the agonized cries of the dragon, which he had trapped within the shroud of black flames, he persisted and held it for a minute longer. He was indeed having fun with killing off these dragons. However, he was greatly annoyed by the interference of this card throwing trash and this new piece of trash who had just appeared out of the blue. Though, dealing with them would have to wait until all the dragons were dead. The flame god watched excitedly as the larger of the attacking reptilian beasts finally left their perches. This was exactly what he had been waiting for, he now planned to show them he felt no mercy towards their kind.

The instant he saw them move he released the previous offender from its prison. The now dead noble beast, would plummet to the soft gaia below. The beasts weight alone would have made a sizeable impression in the ground. Now given the additional momentum it had built up from the fall, and factor in the additional weight, which would soon be supplemented. The young flame god took off running towards the beast, his attention turned towards a large pile of rubble. He would direct his boundless strides towards the rubble, quickly he would ascend the pile and use its summit to fling himself into the air. Once in the air, he would wait till he was above the downward spiraling cadaver, twisting himself in mid-air he would slam the backside of his right heel down upon the corpses necks focal point. Despite the lack of magic to back this assault on an already defeated creature, the once mighty dragons neck would snap in half. The sound of the bone crackling, crushing, and crumbling to piece would seem to resonate quite loudly. Even with the thunder and other elements present, this sound rang clear and true. The four on coming dragons would surely hear it and this was what he was counting on. The dragon which had been dealt an after-death punishment slammed into the ground. The collision flooding the air with large clouds of dust.

The male drifted downwards, his visage being hidden by the dust clouds. However, he was not given the cowardice fate of staying hidden for long, as the dust was blown to the far reaches of the town, known as Hosenka by the vicious tornado like winds which had been forged by the mighty dragons. He hadn't put much effort towards reacting to the pitiful attempt made the dragon to clench its teeth around his frame, thus sinking its teeth into her flesh and bones. If that lame excuse for an assault had been successful he would have most likely died. Alas, he was no fool, the instant the dragon was within range, the male would forge another golden orange runic magic circle, the same as those he had forged before. And yet again his hands and forearms would be set ablaze with the unholy black flames. The male would do as he had done to his previous prey, he would swiftly swipe his arms foreward. At this close of a range, a range of no more then a five maybe ten feet at best, the males sinister black flames would surely engulf the beast. However, the slim possibility of the beast evading capture did still exist. If this happened the male may pay for his arrogance with his life. Though the odds did seem to be in his favor, he was a nimble and would at best only have to sacrifice a single limb, in the worst scenario of evade these threatening jaws before him. If the goddess of fortune, did in fact decide to shine down upon him and grace him with her divine enchantments, his attack for be successful. This first new threat would become a prisoner of this Flame God's Shroud. The beast would then receive a merciless array of at least five or more swift strikes to its underbelly. After which it most likely fall limp, nothing more than a repulsive corpse upon the soft gaia. However, this more productive scenario would only happen if fate was on his side.

Haru after killing off the preconceived threat, would move on to the hidious beasts companion. This creature would be given a similar death. The male would quickly set his hands and forearms ablaze, the malevolent black flames mocking the beast. Then withotu a split seconds warning to the beast, he would allow his body to lurch forward, his arms thrust forward. Though, this time the spell seemed somewhat different from the previous two deployments. That was because, the male had now activated an internal spell, "Flame God's Decree.", these were the words the male spoke in an oddly cheerful sing-song tone. A small fact that had been for now not been made apparent, ever since second he had killed this beasts partner, he'd been storing up an internal flame, and now the preparation was about to shwo the fruits of it's labor. The black flames which moments before had set free, from the shackles, known as Haru Himura, did not take their usual formation. Instead, they would wrap around the dragon in a demented snake-like manner, moments later they would spread and devour the magestic creature. Though, this was all up to lady luck to decide. Would these conjoined spells prove to be victorious, or would this be the demise of the young God of the Black Flames? In the off chance his actions failed, the male would indefinitely find his death bed awaiting his arrival in the dragons stomach. However, if he was proven victorious, the black veil that hide more frightening prey would be ripped apart and new battle would unfold. As this final beast was slaughtered the male would leave it was breif parting words. "What pitiful trash. Is that all a dragon is worth?"

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PostSubject: Re: Prepare for War! (Open to All)   Prepare for War! (Open to All) Icon_minitimeWed Sep 26, 2012 11:44 pm

Such a pitiful thing, a dragon brought down by mere knives of water. But she would be lying if she confessed to feeling little satisfaction to finding her prediction correct. Dragons are like any other animal. Like her, like her Exceed, and all animals bleed like any other. Unknowingly smiling with an earned sense of success, of growing ego, when she watched with childish glee as her knives tore into the dragon's belly just as she had suspected. While she might have liked to stay under it a bit longer, being crushed by a dying dragon not-withstanding, to further observe its insides, Christiane-Gael had made a plan. A plan she is determined to see through, even at the cost of such an itching curiosity she simply has to satisfy immediately after. ”I wonder how humans and dragons function differently with a severed aortic artery.” Words she uttered upon kicking herself out from underneath the fallen dragon. Turning to face the dragons with an utter disregard to Nanine's safety, she flicked her knives, tainted with the blood of their companion, at the approaching dragons.

”Please don't find me, please don't find me, Christiane-Gael's the fighter, not me! Please please please please please please...” High pitched, uncomfortable, terrified, Nanine avoided flying at all costs. Lengthening the strides of her four, small legs past the point of discomfort. Seeking cover anywhere, praying for shelter elsewhere, she just wanted to hide. ”This is silly,” Nanine murmered, trying to reassure herself, ”Christiane-Gael is holding them, I don't need to run so quickly.” Stopping to catch her worn lungs for a moment, she gazed behind her slowly and hesitantly, as if a dragon would pop out and confront her. Nothing. For a brief moment, she could relax. No being afraid of saying or doing the wrong thing in front of Christiane-Gael, and definitely not worrying about dragons. Falling backwards onto her back, satisfied that life was finally going her way, Nanine's face froze in horror. One dragon, circling above. Who is it looking for!? Sprinting away under cover of wall and debris, she used hole after hole, shortcut after dragon-made shortcut, all to buy time until it was safe to return to her mistress' side.

”What are you doing...?” What were they doing? One was diving at her in such a direct path, it's likely it thought she would just stay in one spot; the other one, it had no direction, just flying in circles akin to a stupid dog in search of its own tail. Whether or not the dragons really are stupid or not, they had moved out of the way of her thrown knives. Expected, they were far too far away to be of any significance anyhow. Regardless, one thing before the next, as they say.

Repeating her actions from before, creating a blue pentagram circle in front of her whilst sliding her hands across them to create three knives held in each available taint of her hand. Using her natural sight to analyze the dragon even as far away as it is, she noted a terrible weakness; the same one the first dragon she slew shared: ineptitude. Failing to learn from the mistakes of a dragon she killed is unacceptable, especially for a species reportedly superior to humanity. ”Have some self dignity, and die before I start lumping you and Airetikos together.” She requested of the dragon, absolutely unimpressed, and unconcerned with its well being. Most especially after forming another circle in the air in front of her, gathering the moisture in the air to create hot boiling water. Smashing it into the ground in front of her with haste, the water evaporated and formed a thick mist of water, clouding Christiane-Gael's whereabouts to anyone or anything looking directly at the mist. Using this opportunity, she stepped back ten paces, almost touching her back to the tail of the still bleeding dragon. As soon as her eyes even spotted a single shadow of the dragon trying to go through the mist, she would throw two knives, one for its two fore-limbs at their knee joint, in order to blunt its forward momentum. Should they hit, they would dig into its joints, slowing and altering its movements along with causing a deal of pain. To add insult to injury, Christiane-Gael spotted the smallest thing she could in the dragon's eyes, and threw two more knives at them; the results of successful impact being unfortunate, painful, and blinding. As if she would show it mercy, such a weak being overstretching its own abilities. Throwing a knife at its throat, and a knife aimed at where she assumed the heart would be, the center of its chest, she would have considered it a coup d'grace had the dragon been struck by the other knives. Even if it wasn't struck by all six knives, if the knives managed to strike its heart or throat, it may wish it was.

Turning her attentions to the inconsiderate, uncouth dragon ignoring her up in the air, flying around as if it owned the entire world and her precious time, she thought and she thought, but she had no tools available for the destruction of cowardly monster flying so high in the air. No tools of her own at least. ”Nanine!” Christiane-Gael called at the top of her voice, ”Get out here! I need you to fly me!”

Curled up in a ball under the rubble of what used to be a lovely brothel's tiled roofs, Nanine could make out the calls of a demanding Christiane-Gael anywhere, even through the howling dragons and sounds of destruction echoing through the city. ”I'm coming!” Joyful, happy, and utterly glad her mistress was available for her protection once more, Nanine activated her aera magic and flew towards the shrieking sounds of Christiane-Gael's voice. ”You took too long,” She bluntly told Nanine, uncaring of the warm embrace given by Nanine, ”I'm so sorry, but I'm here now,” Nanine replied, in turn uncaring of the cold nature of their reunion. With a point, simple nod, and an angry glare at the dragon above them, Nanine understood her task. Grabbing Christiane-Gael's back, Nanine flew her upwards, at a far enough range for Christiane-Gael to prepare her magic circle, but close enough to close in when it was ready to fire. ”Nanine, please try to remember this note for me. Remind me to apologize to Airetikos for calling him a low class dragon.” She said nonchalantly before tapping Nanine to fly forward and bring her within ten feet of the dragon. Aiming for the smallest cell on its throat, Christiane-Gael gathered as much water into her lungs before screeching it outwards in a powerful burst, aimed at its throat. Similar to the knife thrown at the dragon earlier, she planned to smash its throat apart. That, and she could make do with a specimen with only a damaged throat, compared to a torn out stomach and disfigured dragon.

10 magic used, 80/100:

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